Short History of Jesolo

Jesolo is at present deemed, rightfully one might say, the capital of fun and fashion trends on the north Adriatic coast of Italy. Yet, the nowadays glamor partly overshadows a 2-millennium history which, if searched in depth, might reveal to the eye of a thorough visitor another side of Jesolo, completely essential to understanding the resort to the full extent of its identity.


Jesolo was originally known as Equilio (the initial name from which the name of Jesolo finally derived). On the economic and even political map of the Roman Empire, Jesolo did not rise to the prestige of other ancient settlements. However, it stood out as an important economic center, a village often frequented by traders and merchants interested in carrying and selling their goods on the commercial route between Ravena and Aquileia. Given its geographical location and mild climatic features, it represented a shelter for the ancient merchants.

Middle Ages

The Middle Ages did not bring much change in Jesolo’s reputation, economically and politically speaking. Despite its anonymity, Jesolo nevertheless constituted once again a refuge for the locals of the neighboring towns and villages (Beluno, Treviso, Oderzo and Altino) who had to constantly face the danger of the barbaric invasions. The decay of the Roman Empire did not enhance Jesolo’s position. On the contrary, it left the town, as well as the entire north Adriatic coast, in dereliction, exposed to the barbaric threat, not to mention that the nearby Eraclea constituted, at the moment, yet another source of danger, menacing Jesolo with its increasing power.

On the other hand, Jesolo slowly started to grow as a result of the sea trade with fish, salt, spices and wood, for instance. This growth was partially owed to the deeds and interventions of sundry political figures and noblemen, such as Doge Orseolo, Gradenigo, Malipiero and Soranzo.

Modern era

The basis of Jesolo’s development had already been laid since the late Middle Ages, but the construction of the old Cava Zucharina, opened in 1441, was decisive for the sea trade in the region, contributing greatly to Jesolo’s growth. Politically speaking, Jesolo remained a silent town with little to say in the great decisions made in the region by other leading political forces.

Contemporary age

It was not until the late 19th century that Jesolo started to make its way though on the economic and tourist map of Italy, at first slowly and then much more rapidly. After World War One, Jesolo underwent a skyrocketing and constantly increasing popularity. The Venetians and the Lombards were perfectly aware of the tremendous potential of Jesolo, in particular of Lido di Jesolo, which is why they started to invest in the tourist infrastructure of the place, building hotels, villas, inns and sundry leisure facilities.

More than 100 years have passed since the opening of the first bathing establishment in Lido di Jesolo. Now, all visitors can be amazed by the modernity of Jesolo’s opportunities, as well as by its excellence in the field of beach tourism.
